Terms and Conditions
When using hub.kiwi (us), you have to agree to these terms and conditions. The current version of these terms and conditions is valid from the 18th of March 2023.
Any user of hub.kiwi, whether they are registered users or anonymous users, is responsible for any content,
they publish, while hub.kiwi and it's administrators are privileged to alter and remove any data
including accounts.
If you are registered, you will get notified by email about any removal of your content, but a reason may not
be provided.
Forbidden content
We forbid you to publish any content on our website that contains anything found on this list:
- Realistic violence
- Pornography
- Gore
- Racism
- Hate speech
- Child exploitation
- Abuse
- Insults
- Gambling
- Human tragedies
Note that this list is not a limitation nor even finished, but rather provides loose guidelines of topics that are not allowed to publish, spread or misuse on our site.
This condition applies to anything you write, show or publish on hub.kiwi. A few types of content that
can not be shown in hub.kiwi itself can be redirected to.
For clarification:
If you state, that your hub(s) are not meant for minors, (users will have to acknowledge their age), then
you are allowed to redirect to pages that show (for example) pornography, if, the content users get
redirected to, is by law legally allowed in the country you reside in.
To sum this up with an example: You are not allowed to show pornographic content on any page (hub) on our
domain (hub.kiwi) or any of our subdomains. Yet, if you like to redirect to website through
hub.kiwi, that shows content that is not allowed on hub.kiwi, you are allowed to do so, if you specify
the hub to not be meant for minors, and: The content you redirect to is permitted by the law of the
country you reside in. This exception does only apply to the following types of content:
- Realistic Violence
- Pornography
- Gambling
Note that we are still privileged to remove any content from hub.kiwi without any reason. Especially by not marking content that is not meant for minors, to be not meant for minors, might lead to us closing your account, our contracts and deleting all of your content on hub.kiwi.
Users of our site agree, not to monetize their content in any other way, than explicitly stated and allowed in this contract.
You are allowed use monetized links. E.g. affiliate links.
Note that your affiliate partner may prohibit using their links on link repositories like hub.kiwi.
We take no responsibility in misuse of monetized links and redirects.
If you are a premium user of hub.kiwi you may be allowed to monetize your hubs by entering our affiliate programme. When entering our affiliate programme, our affiliate programme terms & conditions will also apply to you.
Users of hub.kiwi accept, that they might not share any information about other users that is not currently published by them.
Payment providers
When being redirected to a payment provider to pay for monetized content on hub.kiwi, you accept, that their privacy policy applies for the payment process. The payment provider will also have their own terms and conditions, you will have to agree on, to pay.
By registering to hub.kiwi you accept that we are allowed to contact you by email for any notification, but not for advertisement. If you like, you can also register to our mailing list to get an email with the latest information about hub.kiwi to your email address. That registration can be rejected again at any time in the future.
You agree, that the used language by hub.kiwi is english. If you contact us, make sure to use common english in your requests. Invoices send by us will be in english.
Payments & refunds
When paying for our services and goods, you must also accept the terms and conditions of our payment provider, that you chose during checkout.
You are allowed to refund any order you make on hub.kiwi within 24 hours of your order. For annual payments
you are allowed to refund these within 24 hours of the payment. You can contact us via the contact email
address published on our imprint page.
After filing a refund, we will check if you are eligible for a refund and refund your payment accordingly.
Refunds made within the first 24 hours of an order will be fully refunded. Refunds made later than that can only
be refunded partially.
Partial refunds
If you paid with an annual subscription plan for one of our services, and are eligible for a partial refund, the amount refunded will be calculated by the time that is left, until the next subscription renewal would be paid. E.g. after the use of a service for 6 months, the maximum amount you may be refunded is 50% of your payment sum. Note that any partial refund will include a service fee of currently 5€. If your refund amount is below the service fee, it's not possible to get a refund.
If you paid for not personalized physical goods you are eligible to refund the goods within 14 days after
they were shipped to you. After filing a refund you must then ship the goods back to us. When the goods
are shipped back to us, you will get a full refund. Note that you will pay the shipping cost to ship the goods
back to us.
After the period of 14 days, we won't allow any refund for the physical goods.
If you paid for personalized physical goods, you are not eligible to refund the goods.
We try to keep our services available at any time but we cannot guarantee an uninterrupted use of our services.
You agree and acknowledge, that our services might be not fully functioning due to outages, maintenance work,
software updates and other events.
Outages and the speed of our servers won't make you eligible for a refund, yet you can file a request
for compensation. This compensation will extend your subscription for a reasonable amount of time and thus,
postpone the next annual payment.
Changes to our terms & conditions
Our terms & conditions may be changed or updated in the future. If you are a registered user, we will inform you
about any changes beforehand. Before the changes become active, you are allowed decline to the changes and
void your agreement of our terms & conditions. You can do so by contacting us by email. To identify yourself, you
will need to provide the email address you used when registering.
If you decline to any change of our terms & conditions, your deletable data will be deleted. This includes your
Only the latest published version of our terms & conditions is valid.